WELCOME to My Days of Health!
A collective of all things Nutrition, Movement, Hydration and Restoration.
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Fe Rye

Hey there. I am Fe! I am a Qualified Nutritionist, Fitness Professional, a speaker, a Mum to 2 gorgeous young men, a student, a whole foodie and a passionate ocean dweller!

My love of fitness and nutrition started as a young girl, keeping up with 4 older siblings and wanting to be involved in all of their sporting activities, long before I started school. Growing up in the warm climate of Queensland Australia, meant we were outdoors and active all the time.

My Mum and our neighbours had veggie patches and we would share produce and combine our efforts. This was just how we did things. Food and eating were a big part of family life and I loved the aromatic smells coming from my Mother’s kitchen.

Cooking and the veggie patch are still a joyous part of my life. But even more so is the ability to teach others and share what I know. I also have a keen interest in incorporating bush foods into my recipes. 

I have been a fitness professional for over 20 years and in that time I have had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients to help them achieve their desired health and wellness goals.I have worked in the public health arena, established my own fitness and wellness studios, and had the privilege of working in some of the top health retreats too!  .

Having established the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Expo on the Gold Coast, I became determined to educate parents, carers and children on the importance of health and particularly nutrition.

My Days of Health was created when I undertook my own 100 Day program to upgrade my health and take time to focus on my passions and values. The results were amazing and I am here to assist you to achieve the same.



Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates

Focus on the quality of the nutrition you are putting into your body daily.


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”
- Jim Rohn

We know we need it. We know its integral to our health.
So what is preventing YOU?


Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
- Anthelme

Download our amazing recipe books below.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

If health, wellness and vitality are what you seek then let's get to work.


My Days of Health incorporates Nutrition, Movement, Hydration and Restoration.
To achieve your optimal level of health we must strive to get these elements in balance. One without the others just isn’t enough.
I look forward to sharing favourite nutrient-dense recipes, ways to move your body, and tips to both stimulate and rest your mind and strive for balance. Not sure where to start? Then let me assist you.

We can chat about Your Days of Health and find the best path for you, on a free Balanced Lifestyle Call. 

My Days of Health Instagram